Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Numero Uno... omg!

So I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for what seems like ages... so here goes. Ultimately I just wanted an excuse to take pretty pictures and feel important lol. Granted I'm using the term pretty -very- loosely. So here goes.

My first post is going to be my drow character that mucks about in The Shadow Lands sim. It's an RP sim that's apart of a much larger group of sims with interconnecting storylines called the Great Alliance. She's going by the name Erel'iira and thank you Annie Ibanez for creating this fantastic skin! (holy hand grenades of Antioch batman! it has white eyebrows! and yes for those of you who like to be all color coordinated... the carpet does match the drapes... just sayin)


I LOVE THE FLOOF! yes... yes I do. Please forgive the picture quality i'm hoping this improves as I do more of the picture taking. All in all drowing it up is a ton of fun.. something I highly recommend to anyone out there that likes to wring their hands and cackle maniacally once in a while. 
location: House D'Venoch in the Shadow Lands
Hair: Ploom- Trina
Skin: Annie Ibanez- Elven Skin-charcoal
Eyes: Ibanez eyes (Annie Ibanez) Aqua glow eyes- abyssal plain
Face chains: Soedara - Black face chain captured snake
Ears: Illusions- Drow Ears
Lip piercing: Ellabella- Draiman
Neck Corset, Pasties: Soedara- Here comes the wicked set
Arm bracelets: The Plastik- from the Naamah set in bare
Armwarmers: The Plastik- lipstick muse
Pretty rose between them lolas: gift from songfeather to group members. It's a hair accessory but you can wear it in your tatas; they like to smell pretty.
Skirt: The Plastik- Misfit Skirt- beauty
Corset and hip floof (yes it's floofy!): Gizza- Glam rock suit
Boobage: Lolas!- tangos
Nails: Mad'- La' Griffe Deluxe

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